C++ (1) assembly (1) book review (2) c (1) c++ (3) car hacking (4) cp (13) cve (1) cybercrime (1) cybersecurity (2) despondent (1) dp (1) exploit (1) hacking (1) ics (1) leak (2) lugubrious (1) maths (4) operational techology (1) politics (1) privacy (1) programming (6) ransomware (1) rant (5) rants (3) rust (1) testing (3) thoughts (5) vulnerability (1)

 C++ (1)

C++ Matrix Class

 assembly (1)

Assembly Version of "Hello, world"

 book review (2)

Computer Systems - A Programmer's Perspective Book Review
book review - peak performance v2

 c (1)

Stop those Rust, C, and C-with-Classes comparison bullshit!

 c++ (3)

Stop those Rust, C, and C-with-Classes comparison bullshit!
Recursive Lambdas
C++ Tuples Missing Functionality

 car hacking (4)

Source Code for 2020+ SUBARU Head Units and Other Core Functionality
Automotive Hacking - How I Hacked a Connected Car
Automotive Hacking - Car Hacking Challenges
Automotive Hacking - Car Electronics

 cp (13)

line segment tree
WC2021 Fibonacci
given the vertex degree, the proof of the existence of the graph
catch game
coordinate compression, rank transform of a matrix
the evolution of fibonacci
O(nlog^2/loglogn) Algorithm for Semi-online Convolution
00xx const
Solving Codeforces DIV1A, Neko's Maze Game
The Eight Queens Problem
Bipartite Graph
2019 CTS
Google Code Jam 2018 - Qualification Round

 cve (1)

Exploiting CVE-2023-44487

 cybercrime (1)

Cybercrime-Friendly Forum Communities

 cybersecurity (2)

The Conti Ransomware Gang's OSINT Artifacts
Cybercrime-Friendly Forum Communities

 despondent (1)

on motivation

 dp (1)

line segment tree

 exploit (1)

Exploiting CVE-2023-44487

 hacking (1)

Hacking the nearby water pump

 ics (1)

Hacking the nearby water pump

 leak (2)

The Conti Ransomware Gang's OSINT Artifacts
Cybercrime-Friendly Forum Communities

 lugubrious (1)

on motivation

 maths (4)

a friendly chat about whether 0.999...= 1
best mathematical writing - j.b.s haldane
Pi Poem
limitations of mathematics

 operational techology (1)

Programmable logic controller's operating systems

 politics (1)

Call for Thoughtful Discourse

 privacy (1)

Regarding privacy and tech development

 programming (6)

everyone should have a project they control 100% of
Styled Components is the most foolish thing i've seen in a long time
refactor is a terrible term
Agile thoughts
my favorite programming pattern
Assembly Version of "Hello, world"

 ransomware (1)

The Conti Ransomware Gang's OSINT Artifacts

 rant (5)

Call for Thoughtful Discourse
workplace hazards
Look at the sun
Stop those Rust, C, and C-with-Classes comparison bullshit!
Build a Binary Tree Based on a Given Parenthesized String

 rants (3)

Windows keyboards are killing my wrists
Styled Components is the most foolish thing i've seen in a long time
know how to use a fucking debugger

 rust (1)

Stop those Rust, C, and C-with-Classes comparison bullshit!

 testing (3)

performance test runs too short
Realizing the difficulty of a test case only after running a performace test
The perspective of bottleneck investigation is missing in performance test cases

 thoughts (5)

Overstimulation Rant
thoughts on "you should be working on hardware" by casey handmer
humility is the knowing of the epistemic gap
Accomplishment based on comparison does not have a baseline

 vulnerability (1)

Exploiting CVE-2023-44487