if theres one thing im not too bad at, its thinking up half baked armchair psychology rants to do with why i hate working for other people and corporate enslavement and computers and so on and so on

so you know what this blog really needs?

(css that isnt shit)

(content that isnt shit)

you guessed it, another half baked armchair psychology rant

work life balance

is a meme, pure and simple.

you wouldn’t go around bragging

ahh yes, i actually have a pretty good getting bitten by spiders all day / applying antivenom to myself balance!

yet for some reason, having a good balance between living your life and being obligated to perform labour for someone else in order to not die is seen as a good thing?

it got me thinking about, ya’know, life and all that and really, makes me a lil sad fam ngl

home-made freedom respecting alternative to alexa this is so sad

take 4 $ replicate T2

the conspiracy nut in me wants to make a statement along the lines of

the powers that be purposely impose current late-stage capitalism in order to keep the everyperson employed for as long as possible in order to diminish their ability to find purpose elsewhere in life

the regular person in me wants to make a statement along the lines of

a by-product of our current work focus is that the everyperson has lost the ability to gain meaningful purpose outside of career advancement slash financial goals slash corporate goals

and finally the actual smart rational part of me wants to make a statement along the lines of

the powers that be purposely impose current late-stage capitalism in order to keep the everyperson employed for as long as possible in order to diminish their ability to find purpose elsewhere in life

we get it you cant take care of yourself you mf

“work life balance” is hard to grok because really, a lot of your life part of that balance is influenced by work

at work you (theoretically) arent allowed to do stuff for yourself, outside of the small percentage of the time you get allocated to eat food, and however long you can feasibly spend with your phone on the toilet

in that last sentence i mean something totally not along the lines of (in the unlikely chance i actually get this right)

punji su’u mi selbeifonxa kei lo vimstizu ko

as in, “with your phone, on the toilet” as opposed to “with your phone physically placed upon the toilet” but hey, if thats how you wanna spend your time at work then you have my respect for doing something odd during worktime, carry on comrade o7

but my actual point, however, is that once you get out of work youre;

  • tired as fuck
  • obligated to buy and cook food so you dont die
  • obligated to do a bunch of cleaning so you dont turn into a slob
  • obligated to do so much stuff in preperation for the next day
  • repeat for almost three quarters of the week, until you get a measly two days to actually live your life

still havent made my actual point, comrade

people are losing their ability to make their own way in the world, and achieve a purpose that isnt related to corporatism or something work related.

you lose so much of your lives doing something that does not further your own purpose on this planet, and for the most part, you dont really think its a huge problem.

we have made so many incredible advances in technology, yet the everyperson doesnt see them, and despite this people still working eight hour days like they always have (and in some countries, eight hour days would be something they would be ecstatic to have)

you need to learn how to actually live again, how to have meaningful goals that arent related to the corporate power of someone else

you need to do what you can to break this cycle and enter a new age of enlightenment where we, (and i know this is a pretty crazy idea but hear me out):

use our advancements in technology to make peoples lives easier and higher quality

and then we might just be able to learn how to have actual dreams again (escape the rat race), rather than our dreams just being following “the traditional step”
