Emerging hurdles with connected cars

Stuff like vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications is catching on, and I bet they’ll bring a bunch of perks for us, the carmakers, and even the public infrastructure management. In the future, your car might get updates over the air (OTA), just like your smartphone does now. It’s like a high-tech tune-up that can boost what’s already there or toss in some new features.

When diving into new tech like this, we’ve got to lock down the security right from the get-go. Every shiny innovation brings with it a chance for trouble, so it’s crucial to build in solid security controls from the very beginning. Take wireless key fobs, for instance – these days, cloning attacks are on the rise. Until the car guys work out the kinks in security, maybe it’s a good move to stash those key fobs in a bag that zaps RFID signals. Better safe than sorry.